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Education Scholarships

School of Education Scholarships


Eskridge, Dr. Mary E. Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Mr. Rod Eskridge, husband
  • Provides scholarships for senior education majors for awarding during their “student teaching” semester
  • Recipients must reflect SNU’s motto of “Character-Culture-Christ”
  • $400 minimum increments

Green, Olga Memorial Scholarship

  • Established through the Estate of Olga Green
  • Provides need-based scholarships for teacher education majors with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 Incoming freshman with a 21 ACT score may also apply
  • Amount varies

Lamb, Harry & Auleen Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Auleen Lamb
  • Provides a need based scholarship for junior or senior elementary education majors
  • Must have at least one year of education at SNU.
  • Must be academically eligible.

Langford, Merna (Banz) Education Scholarship

  • Established by Rev. & Mrs. James Langford
  • Provides need-based scholarships for senior education students preparing for public teaching
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA required

McLain, Ruth Memorial Scholarship

  • Established and funded by her extended family
  • Provides funds for a senior female majoring in early childhood or elementary education
  • Selection is based on financial need and cumulative GPA
  • Amount varies

Neely, David & Myrtle Memorial Scholarship

  • Established by the Neely Family
  • Provides general scholarships for education majors
  • Amount varies

Posey, Shirley Joy Bell Scholarship – Secondary Education/English or Journalism

  • Restricted to full-time upper-division students
  • Must be pursuing a career in Secondary Education, teaching English or Journalism
  • Amount varies

Rice, Dr. C. Wayne & Kay Scholarship – Special Education

  • Provides funds for junior or senior education students planning to achieve a graduate degree, with a preference to students entering “Special Education”
  • Minimum 3.4 GPA required
  • Amount varies

Sheldon-Merriman, Dr. Dorothy Memorial Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Dr. Dorothy Sheldon Merriman
  • Provides need-based scholarships to education majors
  • Amount varies

Spruce Family Memorial Scholarship

  • Established by the Estate of R.E. Spruce, and funded by Dr. Rhoda Spruce Newman
  • Provides $1,000 awards to full-time students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • At least two scholarships shall be awarded annually to education majors during their “student teaching” semester of their senior year
  • $1000 award increments

Troutman, Paula Stroud Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Rev. Robert Troutman
  • Preference for student entering Secondary Education
  • Freshman not eligible to apply
  • Based on financial need

Troutman, Wilma Memorial Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Rev. & Mrs. Robert Troutman
  • Provides need-based scholarships for upper division students with a major in early childhood or elementary education
  • Amount varies

Walraven, Maurice Memorial Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Mrs. Katherine Walraven, wife, and Mr. Orville Walraven, son.
  • Provides need-based scholarships to senior education majors, with a preference to students entering “Special Education.”
  • Recipients must reflect SNU’s motto of “Character-Culture-Christ.”
  • Amount varies
Elementary Education

Barrett, Lloyd & Nina Memorial Scholarship

  • Established by the Estate of Lloyd & Nina Barrett
  • Provides funds for students pursuing a degree in elementary education, with a preference to students from the Hooker (Okla.) Church of the Nazarene
  • Amount varies

Beaver, Dr. Joy Scholarship – Early Childhood Education

  • Established and funded by the former students and friends of Dr. Joy Beaver
  • Restricted to full-time students completing a concentration in Early Childhood Education
  • Requires a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Amount varies

Brooks, Christina Jean Memorial Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Dan & Sheila Brooks, parents
  • Provides minimum grants of $1,000 to unmarried incoming freshman females, and/or senior females during their “student teaching” semester, majoring in early childhood or elementary education
  • Recipients must be a member of the Church of the Nazarene, Oklahoma preference, with a minimum ACT score of 18 for incoming freshman, or a cumulative GPA of 2.8
  • $1,500 increments

Holom, Daniel & Vickie Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Holom
  • Provides funds for junior or senior elementary education majors with a cumulative GPA of 2.8
  • Amount varies

Killgore, Helen Memorial Scholarship – Elementary Education

  • Established and funded by Mike & Kay Killgore, son & daughter-in-law
  • Verifiable financial need for student preparing to teach at Elementary Education-level
  • Amount varies

Lowe, Fern V. Memorial Scholarship – Early Childhood Education

  • Established through the Bequest of Fern V. Lowe
  • Any level of classification eligible
  • Preference for Elementary or Early Childhood Education major
  • Amount Varies

McDaniel, Georgia Bayles Memorial Scholarship

  • Established by the friends and family of Georgiana Bayles McDaniel
  • Provides funds for upper-division elementary education majors, of high moral character, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Amount varies

Newman, Stella Memorial Scholarship

  • Established through the Estate of Stella Newman
  • Provides funds for Oklahoma residents who are pursuing a career in teaching, majoring in elementary education, and reflect SNU’s mission of “Character-Culture-Christ”
  • Amount varies

Owens, Glendola & Marion Memorial Scholarship

  • Established by the Estate of Glendola & Marion Owens
  • Provides funds for junior or senior early childhood or elementary education majors
  • Amount varies

Phelps, Dr. Ron & Shirley Scholarship

  • Established and funded by Dr. Ron & Shirley Phelps
  • Restricted to Senior-level Elementary Education majors with a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • $750 increments

Please note:  All scholarships are available only to traditional students in traditional programs unless otherwise specified.