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School of Education

Mission Statement

The Educator Preparation program at Southern Nazarene University provides experiences encompassing the Christian principles of integrating faith, learning, and life; and that equips candidates for educator roles in multiple learning settings in which schools, families, and communities build partnerships that work together to impact P-12 student learning, wherein affirming the belief that all students can learn.

Message from the Chair, School of Education

At SNU, we are preparing exceptional leaders in the field of education. We accept the challenge and responsibility of educating the whole child and hold firm to the belief that “all students can learn.” Our holistic approach to child development embraces the science of learning, the integration of knowledge across disciplines, and the pursuit of human flourishing for every member of our community, including teachers!

Our approach to preparing future educators goes beyond merely transferring knowledge. We focus on applying brain-based research affirming that learning is social, emotional, and academic. Our educator preparation program is shaped through positive relationships and role modeling. With this in mind, we work to provide future educators with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to nurture the potential in every child while cultivating a positive school climate where all learners can thrive. One of the unique ways we do this is by embracing our Wesleyan roots and the vision that Nazarene education should ultimately result in a hands-on learning experience where students apply everything they learn. SNU has recently been recognized as one of America’s best “Hands-On Learning” universities and boasts the only accredited Laboratory School in Oklahoma. The PreK through 8th-grade “Lab School” is certified as a Demonstration School by the Oklahoma A+ network. The Lab School allows education majors to gain real-world experience as early as their freshman year. Educational leaders are seeking innovative ways to improve education; at SNU’s School of Education, we are providing answers.

We’re excited that you are considering a career in education and recognize that it begins with a teaching degree! We believe that teaching is the HIGHEST calling one can experience in a career. Socrates said, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” A skilled educator can unleash the learner within an individual. While this has a profound influence on the field of education, its impact also extends into all other industries. Join us as we continue to pursue excellence in education.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me personally. I look forward to speaking with you and supporting your dream to affect our world as an educator. SNU is the perfect place for you to pursue that dream.

You belong here!

Ron Titus, Chair
SNU School of Education
Director, Educator Preparation Program

CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation)
Annual Reporting Measures

CAEP has four annual reporting measures that are used to provide information to the public on both program outcome and program impact. You can find evidence of our outcomes and impact by clicking here.

Current Approved/Recognized (Initial) Educator Preparation Programs

To see a list of Southern Nazarene University’s approved/recognized Initial Educator Preparation Programs, click here

Initial licensure programs currently offered by SNU’s Educator Preparation Program. These seven undergraduate programs in the SNU Educator Preparation Program were reviewed and accredited by CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) at its most recent accreditation site visit in Spring 2018.

Educator Preparation Program at Southern Nazarene University receives CAEP’s prestigious Frank Murray Leadership Award

The Educator Preparation Program at Southern Nazarene University is one of only 13 Educator Preparation Programs (out of 238 programs nationwide) to receive the prestigious Frank Murray Leadership in Continuous Improvement Award.  Click here for more information: Frank Murray Award Download

Program Overview

The Program

  • Immediate immersion in multiple kinds of experiences for a variety of teaching possibilities
  • Emphasis on a broad knowledge base and strong field experiences
  • Hands-on practicum, state-of-the-art technology
  • Works with the SNU Lab School — the only university state-accredited private laboratory school in Oklahoma

The Professors

  • Each professor in the education department has both private school and public school experience
  • A professor will be chosen for each student as a faculty mentor and will guide the student all the way through the program and into the field

The Preparation

  • Every spring the SNU education department is flooded with calls from schools looking for SNU graduates to fill their education needs
  • SNU Education graduates are known to be top-drawer educators

School of Education Learning Outcomes

SNU Teacher Candidate Characteristics


This Accreditation status is effective between Fall 2018 and Fall 2025.

CAEP Accreditation Report Fall 2018

Frank Murray Award

The Educator Preparation program at Southern Nazarene University is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and all programs are approved by the State Board of Education for the State of Oklahoma, and the Office for Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA).

Conceptual Framework Overview

Alternative Certification
You have the passion, now you need the training. Whether you’re looking for a career change or wanting to make your teaching role permanent, SNU’s alternative certification program can help you meet the Oklahoma State Department of Education requirements, become a better educator, support your school, and lead to more career opportunities down the road. The coursework can also apply to future graduate studyClick here to find out more.
CAEP Annual Reporting Measures
CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) has eight annual reporting measures which are used to provide information to the public on both program outcome and program impact. You can find evidence of our outcomes and impact by clicking here.
Data Reports

CAEP-EPP Annual Reports







Yearly Data Reports





Title II Annual Reports







Office of Educational Quality and Accountability Accreditation Reports








Southern Nazarene University’s School of Education is committed to preparing effective educators to meet learners’ educational needs in all areas of diversity. Throughout coursework, field experiences, and clinical practice in the SNU Educator Preparation Program, educator candidates are exposed to different ethnicities, cultures, socio-economic classes, religious and social preferences, language differences, and urban/suburban/rural school settings.

Embedded throughout the program, educator candidates are familiarized with issues regarding fairness in educational settings by meeting the needs of ALL students in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner. Through these experiences, educator candidates learn effective practices as they reflect and adjust teaching strategies for diverse learners. As society becomes more diverse, educator candidates in the SNU Educator Preparation Program are equipped to meet the educational challenges and needs in facilitating effective student learning in diverse educational settings and environments. Educator candidates are prepared throughout the program to be effective in planning for and adapting instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners in their classrooms, thereby positively impacting P-12 student learning for ALL learners in their classrooms and thus perpetuating the Educator Preparation Program motto; “Commitment to the belief that ALL students can learn.” At every foundational step, and in each of the InTASC Standards (the pillars) of our Conceptual Framework for SNU’s Educator Preparation Program, diversity aspects are emphasized to assure that all educator candidates are prepared to build a culture of inclusivity in their future classrooms, thereby positively impacting P-12 student learning for ALL learners.

Graduating Honors Recognition

Each semester, graduating seniors from the SNU School of Education that achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75 are recognized as honor graduates.

Cumulative GPA’s will be calculated at the end of the semester prior to the graduating senior’s final semester.

Those graduating with honors will receive special blue honor cords to wear with their graduation regalia at commencement ceremonies. Blue honor cords represent the field of education and are symbolic of outstanding achievement during the completion an education degree.

Professionalism, Ethics, & Legal Aspects of Teaching

The SNU Educator Preparation Program places great emphasis and importance on the development and preparation of educators regarding professional, ethical and legal aspects of the teaching profession. In every Professional Education course in the SNU Educator Preparation Program, and particularly early introductory coursework prior to a candidate’s admission to the program, professionalism, ethics and legal aspects of each of the individual program/certification areas are emphasized. Additionally, in Student Teaching Seminars I and II, guest speakers present workshops and seminars prior to each of the candidate’s student teaching/clinical practice experiences.

The Oklahoma Standards of Performance and Conduct are reviewed prior to admission to the Educator Preparation Program and again in Student Teaching Seminar I. Various other Codes of Ethics, Standards of Professionalism and School Law references and resources (see links below) are also referenced and reviewed in selected courses (i.e. ED 2111 – Introduction to Education, ED 2162 – Foundations of Education, ED 4273 – Professional Decision Making) in the Educator Preparation Program.

Oklahoma School Laws

AAE Code of Ethics for Educators

NEA Code of Ethics

School of Education Contact Information
Ms. Pam Beals
Administrative Assistant
Office of Educator Preparation
SNU School of Education
Herrick 222
(405) 717-6267
School of Education - Educator Preparation Program Committee Descriptions and Functions

Educator Preparation Council

The Educator Preparation Council serves as the governance unit for the Educator Preparation Program at Southern Nazarene University. All policy, program, and assessment decisions affecting the Southern Nazarene University EducatorPreparation Program are made by this organization. Membership includes Educator Preparation Departmental faculty (School of Education), Educator Preparation Program-specific faculty (P-12 Program Areas), SNU Administration, and P-12 community/stakeholder representatives (teachers and administrators). The Educator Preparation Council meets twice during both fall and spring semesters.

Educator Preparation P-12 Advisory Group

The Educator Preparation P-12 Advisory Group is an accountability, advisory and assessment focused group of individuals representing P-12 community members/stakeholders. This committee regularly evaluates program effectiveness, reviews data and assessment practices and policies, and makes recommendations for program improvement to the Educator Preparation Council. The Educator Preparation Council will make all final decisions regarding recommendations from the P-12 Advisory Group. All correspondence and communication with the P-12 Advisory Group is delivered through electronic formats.

Educator Preparation Bias Review Committee

The Educator Preparation Bias Review Committee is responsible for regularly reviewing all School of Education documents, forms, data collection methods, policies, and publications for accuracy, bias, and fairness based on specific criteria. The Bias Review Committee is comprised of individual faculty and staff representatives from outside the SNU School of Education, and also includes local community and P-12 stakeholder representation. School of Education information for review will be sent to individual Bias Review Committee members at least once per academic year for individual review. The Bias Review Committee will then make recommendations to the Educator Preparation Council for consideration. The Educator Preparation Council (the School of Education governance committee) will make final decisions regarding the recommendations of the Bias Review Committee. All correspondence and communication with the Bias Review Committee are delivered through electronic formats.

Educator Preparation Teacher Candidate Advisory Committee

The Teacher Candidate Advisory Committee consists of students (teacher candidates) representing every P-12 area of emphasis/major in the SNU teacher education program, both graduate and undergraduate. Through their representatives on this committee, all teacher candidates in the SNU Educator Preparation Program have the opportunity to formally express concerns/feedback/suggestions regarding the programs and policies of the EducatorPreparation Program at Southern Nazarene University. Any program and/or policy recommendations by the Teacher Candidate Advisory Committee will be submitted to the Educator Preparation Council for consideration and/or any final decisions. The Teacher Candidate Advisory Committee meets twice during the academic year(or as needed when concerns/feedback/suggestions are submitted).

Educator Preparation Program Admissions Committee

The Southern Nazarene University Educator Preparation Program Admissions Committee is a group comprised of Educator Preparation Program faculty, General Education (Arts and Sciences) faculty, P-12 program-specific faculty and P-12 community/stakeholders representation. The Admissions Committee is also responsible for conducting Educator Preparation Program admissions interviews in the fall and spring semesters of each academic year, and as needed for individual teacher candidates required to repeat interviews.

Based on established criteria and requirements for admission to the SNU Educator Preparation Program, the Admissions Committee will make recommendations to the Director of Educator Preparation and the Educator Preparation Council for admission of teacher candidates to the program. Admissions Committee members conduct interviews of candidates based on the following areas based on specific InTASC Standards, as well as the SNU Teacher Candidate Characteristics of Effective Teaching. The Admissions Committee also follows the established requirements (coursework, GPA, OGET, etc.) for recommending admission of teacher candidates to the program. Interviews are conducted utilizing the SNU Educator Preparation Program Interview Rubric and are scored using UNACCEPTABLE, ACCEPTABLE, and TARGET indicators for each of the areas of evaluation.

Educator Preparation Program Curriculum Committee

The Educator Preparation Program Curriculum Committee at Southern Nazarene University is responsible for oversight of the SNU Reading Resource Center, the professional education collection at the Learning Resources Center, and for reviewing professional education syllabi and coursework reference material. It is also responsible for monitoring and updating bibliography and resources for the Conceptual Framework for SNU Educator Preparation. The Curriculum Committee also provides direction and oversight for the Teacher Candidate Resource Center located in the School of Education. Membership on the Educator Preparation Program Curriculum Committee includes SNU Educator Preparation Faculty, SNU Library Staff Member, a member of the P-12 community/stakeholders, and the student assistant in the SNU Reading Resource Center who is also a teacher candidate (admitted to SNU Educator Preparation Program). The Curriculum Committee meets twice during the academic year.

Educator Preparation Program Diversity Committee

The Educator Preparation Program Diversity Committee at Southern Nazarene University consists of SNU campus community members, professional community (stakeholders) members, P-12 community and representatives of both current teacher candidates and graduates of the SNU Educator Preparation Program  The Diversity Committee participates in panel discussions in both fall and spring semesters in the Diversity Seminar (ED 4710) for student teachers and is available to provide information and participating in discussions and special presentations within individual courses in the Educator Preparation Program. The Diversity Committee is available to assist in monitoring diversity aspects embedded in coursework in the Educator Preparation Program. Any program recommendations from the Diversity Committee can be submitted to the Educator Preparation Council for consideration. The Diversity Committee meets twice during the academic year.

Educator Preparation Program Assessment Committee

The Educator Preparation Assessment Committee is responsible for reviewing current Educator Preparation Program data, assessments, rubrics, and assessment policies, and will regularly review all program assessments for validity and reliability based on specific criteria and methods. The Assessment Committee meets twice during the academic year during the fall and spring semesters and also other communicates as needed via electronic formats. The Assessment Committee consists of Educator Preparation Faculty, Educator Preparation Assessment/Data Coordinator, SNU Mathematics Faculty, SNU Statistics Faculty, additional SNU Faculty Members, members of the P-12 Community, and a teacher candidate in the Educator Preparation Program. Based on the aforementioned reviews, the committee will make recommendations for program adjustments, changes, and data-driven decisions to the Educator Preparation Council. The Educator Preparation Council will make final decisions re: adoption and/or implementation of any recommendation by the Assessment Committee.

Educator Preparation Program Technology Committee

The Educator Preparation Technology Committee is responsible for oversight of all educational and instructional functions, programs, equipment, software, and curriculum and technological functions related to instructional and educational technology and program operations in the Educator Preparation Program. Committee will be responsible for recommending updates and upgrades to program technology to the Educator Preparation Council. The Educator Preparation Council will review all equipment related (new, upgrade, updates) recommendations by the Technology Committee and as funds are available, will approve technological improvements. The Technology Committee will also make recommendations for curriculum changes and will review technology aspects embedded in coursework in the Educator Preparation Program. Curricular recommendations from the Technology Committee will also be presented to the Educator Preparation Council for consideration. Members of the Technology Committee consist of Educator Preparation Faculty Member/Coordinator of Educational and Instructional Technology, an additional Educator Preparation Faculty Member, a representative from SNU Institutional Technology staff, a Computer Science/Network Engineering Faculty Member, a P-12 Technology/STEM Instructor, and a teacher candidate in the Educator Preparation Program. The Technology Committee meets twice during the academic year.


The emphasis on technology throughout the program reflects the commitment of the SNU Educator Preparation Program toward training educators to effectively utilize technology and technology-assisted instruction in their future classrooms. Effective technology-assisted instruction is not only addressed in a separate required course (Educational Technology) for every educator candidate, but is integrated throughout all professional and specialization courses. Educator candidates are trained to use a variety of web-based applications, along with periphery hardware. Educator candidates also design their own educational web page, in the form of a growth portfolio.

Educator candidates are also expected to create instructional units that incorporate technology into the classroom curriculum. All faculty in the SNU School of Education Educator Preparation Program are expected to “model” effective uses of technology in their particular courses and as support for monitoring advisees. All coursework in the Educator Preparation Program contains an expectation for educator candidates to demonstrate technology knowledge and skill. Classroom presentations and supporting technology are embedded in each course throughout the program. Considerable resources and efforts have been utilized to ensure up-to-date, state-of-the-art technology is all education classrooms. Technology is also a critical component of assuring that field and clinical experiences of educator candidates are monitored, evaluated, and analyzed. At every foundational step, and in each of the InTASC Standards (the pillars) of our Conceptual Framework for SNU’s Educator Preparation Program, specific aspects are monitored to assure that all educator candidates are prepared to utilize technology to effectively and positively impact P-12 student learning.



Virtual Visit: School of Education